Hello there!!

I am

Parvez Ansari !!

About Me

I am a final year undergraduate and currently pursuing a major in Information Technology from ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India. I am deeply interested in Data Structures & Algorithms, Competitive Programming and Web Development. Passions of mine include Reading, Chess, Cricket, learning new things and Eating.. { ofcourse, if I get time apart from Programming and Academics! }

My Skills

I'm a skilled programmer with hands on experience with C++, python and web development. I know HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Git, Django and SQL.

My Projetcs


An Online E-Commerce Website made with the help of Django, Bootstrap, Javascript and jquery. The user can search and buy items, track the delivery of the items, can contact the platform and can write blogs about his/her experience of the platform.

Link: Azamon-E_Commerce_Website


A site made with the help of Django and Bootstrap that formats string by removing extra spaces, extra lines, punctuation marks, converting to upper and lower cases and counting characters frequency as per the users choice.

Link: StringFormatter


Coming soon!!

Link: Project3


Coming soon!!

Link: Project4

My Achievements

Contact Me

Either way, if you want to say hello or have an idea and want to collaborate and build some cool stuffs, feel free to ping me or let's grab a coffee at some cool place :)